Monday, May 29, 2006

your "V" is for victory

how do i thank you ...

always there for the support,
ever-loving, ever-caring,
i know no one with a heart as big as yours

always confident in me,
willing to defend me from my own doubts,
true loyalty is as rare as a friend like you

always cheering me on with endless smiles and hugs
a mentor, a pupil, a peer, a partner, an equal,
someone whom i look up to despite walking next to me

always there for laughter and wisdom,
showing me how the strength of conviction
can be so human

mom & dad,
always providing me the balance i need,
dad, always preparing me for reality, and
mom, always believing in the best of me

always there to make me laugh things off,
forget the frustration,
and make the wait as fun as possible

always there for all of it.
the highs. the lows. the not-worth-mentioning's.
you have been there, holding your breath, when i lost hold of mine.

how can i thank you ...

To Mark Leung*

CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
five o'clock in the morning
esacaping from papers the phone
A voice from
across the Pacific Ocean
the other side yelled as if the world is collapsing
'I got into UBC law school!'
couldn't believe what i've heard i yelled back
[in chinese] what?
Opened my eyes at once
'oh my god oh my god oh my god..........'repeated thousand times
holding the letter
uttering each word from it
he was like the happiest child
he got it
and i believe it


Thanks for sharing this moment with me (and making me the first to be told hehe...) I would never forget that yelling! Remember this moment of victory.

* Thank you for your words and allowing me to put them on here (There will be more thanking later).

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