arts & crafts

arts & crafts
all this is
is arts & crafts
rolling around
in the dirt
the fun
of being found
the ecstacy
in tag
i see you
unbutton your blouse
and all i hear
is the slow
of paper
being cut
little cutouts of
falling to the
arts & crafts
all this is
is arts & crafts
my afterschool
my biology
my putting
of pieces
i lift you
off the floor
and place you
onto the table
making sure
i have you facing
the right way up
i fold you open
like a cardboard box
and climb in
arts & crafts
all this is
is arts & crafts
sunday sharing
of cookies and milk
watching clouds
crashing in the sky
laughing at the sound
of laughter
i'm trying to take back
the breath you
took from me
the chase and capture
the euphoria of
the effort to name
the kill
after you
arts & crafts
all this is
is arts & crafts
the hide and seek
the lost and found
the innocence of sin
at every afternoon