war hall*
andy andy
pop like candy
bits and tits
biting fighting

andy andy
charming dandy
spring and sprinkles
rainbow lines in white-out

andy andy
sex on sandy
flames and games
licking spit out of dirty

andy andy
it's death and me
and you were right
finally a finale

an extinction night
* The four images is from my crude cropping efforts (and insertion of text) of a painting by AARON, a computer program created in the 1970's by Harold Cohen. AARON is quite an incredible "entity", as it is able to autonomously "learn" from its past painting efforts. As such, over the past 30 or so years of its existence, its paintings have evolved "from something resembling late Paleolithic cave painting to figurative painting: portraits, as it were of 'imagine' people" (source here). Each one of its paintings are original and require no input from anyone. It simply "paints". I know all this because I recently wrote a small paper on AARON for my "Internet and Media Law" course, arguing that it is conceivable that such programs can legally be considered the "author" of these works, and thus "own" the copyright in the paintings. The obvious issue, and ultimate irony underlying this poem, is the inability of such a computer program to sue anyone (like me) for copyright infringement. Anyhoo, you should google image some of AARON's works. Some are quite amazing.