Saturday, November 26, 2005

and the jukebox is playing, "Ode to the Amazon"

(to be read along with some good ol' dirty blues rock)

you lick 'em lips, and
pucker up that pose.
the way you stand there like that,
i could pick you
like a rose.

the way you curve up like a highway ...
the way you spin down onto my thigh ...
the way you wrap yourself around me ...
you're one knot i'd love to untie.

where you goin' honey?
why you movin' like that?
take me with you, darlin'.
i was never yours,
but take me back!

don't leave me like this,
don't you dare leave me now.
don't you know i can't get down from here?
don't you know
i don't know how?

you flash one of 'em winks,
you blow me a goodbye,
and you walk out that door
like you're leaving me
to die.

damn you, woman.
damn you to hell.
damn the things that are damned
in such a way that
i can't tell.

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