Tuesday, September 05, 2017

the witch hunt*

you say
there are plenty
plenty for you and me

but i look around
and all i do
is come up empty

you say
there are plenty
plenty of them in the sea

but i gulp down
and all i end up
is thirsty 

you say
there are plenty
plenty more fish in the sea

but i bite down
and all i feel
is hungry

you say
there is nothing
nothing left
to worry

and you're right

cos i look down
and all there is
is water at my feet

* This image is a digital map of ocean traffic, mined from 18th- and 19th-century ship's logs.

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written (and published) anything on this blog (over 4 years, not including "the morning moon"). I keep on saying this, but hopefully this is the start of another wind of creative writing. I think part of my recent struggle is that I don't want to write anything too depressing. And yet, my most creative juices seem to come out when I contemplate utterly morose ideas (like an ocean vacuous of life). I suppose I should just embrace how I'm wired. And just let it out. Honestly, it's probably better than keeping it in. :| 

the morning moon

a slow drum
dripping off the sky
the morning moon burns
after a long night
of prayers

that one day
it will return to the sun

* Photo credit STAN HONDA/AFP/Getty Images

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