a night time daydream*

puddled skies
clouded with ink
and black with rain;
heaven laid out
above our heads
like the bottom
of the sea;
the weight of stars,
stones in the sky,
hold the blanket down;
a little out of reach,
but stretched out
over the city,
it cleans the streets,
with its tidal sweeps,
and brushes them
into the cracks;
but there's life
between the rocks;
the ecosystem hideouts;
the crawling, the clawing,
and the cave drawing;
tiny movements,
the scatter of gravel,
and the rising smell of the sea
it's only a
night time daydream;
it's only a
night time daydream;
or perhaps a
day light nightmare
a flicker of flight
towards the surface light,
a mere spasm
by the thoughts of
* Woodwards, by Jackie Wong. It's one of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen. I can't quite find the words to describe it. But its effect is analogous to looking at an x-ray. It effortlessly penetrates through the superficiality of the our collective ideal image of what the 21st century civilization looks like, and instead, it heavy handedly impresses upon the mind of the viewer the coarse and callous skeleton of what the "city" truly is. And despite all that (the cold reflection of light upon steel, the obtuse blinding impact-effect of the street lamp, the creeping spread of stains from machinal and human waste, etc.), there is a certain sublime beauty captured. It's almost like contemporary romanticism, or something like that (if I even have the slightest idea of what I'm talking about). In short (because I could go on for hours about it), without the slightest effort, the photo captures some effect of transcendence. An x-ray. I just hope this piece of writing does it a little justice. If not, yunno, you can always tell me to take it down.
- in complete admiration, Mark