Tuesday, August 09, 2005

a moment [no more]

i hear you;
you haven't been silent at all;
it's been you, all along ...
all this time,
all this laying before me,
all this

- noise -

how can i not hear you now?
here i am,
in your midst,
swallowed and digested,
hearing you
churn about

how can i not feel you now,
when I am forced to
so as to have
the choice
not to be?


and all of a sudden ...

- silence -

the sound of
and the whispers
that never reach my ears
but find their way
into my chest

Can you believe it?

I don't feel the world at all!
I don't feel the world at all!
I don't feel the world ...

just the heart held in between my arms.

- a moment -
[no more]

the silence breaks
and i am back here,
back in your mouth
where it is never quiet

if only you would just


let me be
free from you
for a moment

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