. . . . . . ...your hands
I can't stop
your hands
from caressing
. . . . . . ...your hands
my memory.
Your hands
are the first things
. . . . . . ...your hands
I think of.
Your hands
make you stronger than your body.
Your hands
make me weaker than my mind.
Your hands,
opening my heart
. . . . . . ...your hands
for you to hold.
Your hands
I hold...
Your hands
I hold...
Your hands
I held...
. . . . . . ...your hands
I can't stop
. . . . . . ...your hands
from remembering
your hands
in mine
. . . . . . ...your hands
cause it was easier to hold onto
your hands
than it was to
. . . . . . ...your hands
hold onto you.