
(sun up)
dreams at your feet
the bruise on your knee
stumble across
the horizon
and fumble
with the
walk in w's
step over
the cracks
be careful of the
and beware
of the blacks
follow the sun
keep it up
in the sky
12:00 is here
both hands
point high
even your clock
is praying
your hands
choose to sleep
pockets to hide in
a fortune-cookie fate
to keep
chase the sun
always in sight
eyes bleach and burn
from the black
to the white
count the steps
don't count the sheep
a nightmare without
the night
the ignorant
the sky turns
to sand
a desert
from the sea
the oceans ebb
and evaporate
into memory
you keep waking
with dreams at your feet
as the nightmare clock
keeps mistaking
(sun down)

* Edited photo of the surface of Venus from the space probe Venera 14. I cropped off the lower portion of the photo which revealed the legs of the space probe.
* For you kids who've actually read all/most of the stuff here (either from recently or since the beginning), the "nightmare clock" at the end of the poem is derived from my earlier poem "postmortem". I've always enjoyed the line (and concept of), "a clock who cannot tell time from eternity", and I thought I'd give it another shot here. Hey, it's not plagerism if it's your own material. More like re-runs.
(sun up)
dreams at your feet
the bruise on your knee
stumble across
the horizon
and fumble
with the
walk in w's
step over
the cracks
be careful of the
and beware
of the blacks
follow the sun
keep it up
in the sky
12:00 is here
both hands
point high
even your clock
is praying
your hands
choose to sleep
pockets to hide in
a fortune-cookie fate
to keep
chase the sun
always in sight
eyes bleach and burn
from the black
to the white
count the steps
don't count the sheep
a nightmare without
the night
the ignorant
the sky turns
to sand
a desert
from the sea
the oceans ebb
and evaporate
into memory
you keep waking
with dreams at your feet
as the nightmare clock
keeps mistaking
(sun down)

* Edited photo of the surface of Venus from the space probe Venera 14. I cropped off the lower portion of the photo which revealed the legs of the space probe.
* For you kids who've actually read all/most of the stuff here (either from recently or since the beginning), the "nightmare clock" at the end of the poem is derived from my earlier poem "postmortem". I've always enjoyed the line (and concept of), "a clock who cannot tell time from eternity", and I thought I'd give it another shot here. Hey, it's not plagerism if it's your own material. More like re-runs.