step carefully,
tread softly, now,
to trace paths
that never cross,
that never collide
but always running
side by side;
get away,
get away
make a straight line
make a straight line
make a straight line
step carefully,
tread softly, now,
and connect the dots
with minimal strokes;
minimize the size and
make it,
make it
the shortest line
the shortest line
the shortest line
step carefully,
tread softly, now;
look up slowly
and pray
for those who do not,
but for yourself;
look up slowly
and pray
you're looking
in the right direction
follow the line
follow the line
follow the line
step carefully,
tread softly, now,
for heaven may be
and hell may be
and the world we stand on
may be all that we can
the end of the line?
the end of the line?
the end of the line?
step carefully,
tread softly, now,
for in between
heaven and hell,
gravity only works
in one direction;
it only works one way;
on your way

*The Falling Man, taken by Richard Drew. I do apologize in advance if some people find the photo offensive. I have no intention to disrespect any of those who suffered in the September 11 attacks. It is not my intention to use the photo for "shock" value but rather I find that it captures human tragedy with such simplicity and potency that it fascilitates the mind to confront transcendental ideas of existence that we are too often (willfully) ignorant of.