the last sunset

You useless little man.
You coward.
You inconsiderate,
insecure, and
You dare throw away
those that you love
and love you in return.
"Throw away"?!
You're not even strong enough for that.
You're not strong enough to walk away,
but weak enough to stand there
and watch her go.
She's disappearing over the horizon.
The last sunset.
Never again a sunrise.
Forever night.
She made you happy, didn't she?
She meant something to you, didn't she?
She was someone really special, wasn't she?
yes she was ...
So why did you do it?
Why did you let her go?
Why did you leave her?
because ...
because ...
it was ...
the right thing to do ...
What the hell does that mean?!
You self-righteous sonuvabitch.
You pompous prick of a politician.
You hollow puppet of a man.
Answer me.
What does that even mean?!
Answer me!
Answer me, goddamnit!
the truth is ...
Tell me!
the truth is
i don't know what i want
and sometimes
that can be the the worst thing
you can do
to those you love
and love you in return
You know she's almost gone.
She's almost gone.
You're really willing to let her disappear,
if there is one thing
i could never forgive myself for
is to hurt her
in the way
that i think i can
it's true what they say ...
"you don't know what you got til it's gone"
but it's also true
you can't further hurt those
you are no longer with
so i hope to god
i'm doing the right thing
cos' this hurts like hell
this last sunset
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